#askDRESSED Does Your Collar Have A Name?

December 27, 2011

How many of you actually knew there was this many different types of collar's to choose from? Personally I hate the button down collars, they are hard to keep crisp for me. 

I would love to try out a "cut away" in the future, but since I don't buy nice oxfords, this may not happen anytime soon.

Final NYC Apartment Hunting Trip

December 12, 2011

Sky high with jetBlue
 My final NYC trip truly did not turn out the way it was supposed to guys, but that's why I'm a firm believer in everything happens for a reason!

Bushwick, Brooklyn area.
I was originally supposed to be going to the city looking for new leased apartments going in with a roommate but that didn't work out so all I could do was roll with the punches! 

I spent my time in the city this past week meeting up with possible tenants to check out their rooms and their areas. I originally went into this whole sharing a room with complete stranger concept with open arms as far as the location. I learned that I prefer Harlem over Bushwick any day. Harlem is much more gentrified than smaller parts in Brooklyn. I'm all about diversity and Bushwich doesn't really have that. 

Me the Upper East Side
I'm glad I got the opportunity to sleep in both areas that I was looking at. Now I know that I will have to be a Manhattan boy.

I didn't put any money down on the rooms I saw since I will be able to give myself more time to think about and look at other rooms online while I'm still in Charlotte. The whole leaving money with a complete stranger scares me. Since I don't know the person officially I will not be guarranteed the guy/girl will still be there when I move-in. 

Scary, but adventurous!

Hot or Not: Multi-Colored Paneled Blazer

December 11, 2011

 On the street is citizen Phil Cohen who is rocking a multi-colored blazer. I would like to know what else the outfit included, because this blazer has a lot to take all in.The shoes could have easily made or broke this outfit let's hope the shoes tied everything in together without making it look overdone.

Even more attention to detail you street-style lovers, don't you think it's hot the photo was taken against a red wall?

Event: Olivia Palermo Holiday Styling Affair

December 9, 2011

 Crowd forms as the event begins in the Top Shop, New York. 

Who else likes these shoes? 

 Olivia Palermo shot by Zabeth Chang while she was speaking to the crowd last night promoting her new site fashion and styling site OliviaPalermo.com.

 Olivia Palermo + Zabeth Chang posing together.

Zabeth Chang + Corn Danzey

Apartment Hunting In NYC Tomorrow!

December 7, 2011

So tomorrow morning I'll be on my first plane ride since I was little boy, destination NYC of course. After getting off that flight at JFK I'll be running all over town looking at apartments on my checklist. No this is not the big move.

One thing to note is that I will be looking for a ROOM versus an empty UNIT since I couldn't for the life of me get a reliable roommate in time. Yes, I went through THREEEE potential prospects who all said "yes" at some point in time, but eventually all of them flaked!

But since I don't give up, I'll be going in on a unit already occupied where someone will be looking for the fabulous me to fill the empty room ;]

Going into this apartment hunt about 2 months ago I've set my heart on Spanish Harlem so badly, but have yet to find anything "to my needs" in that area let alone Upper Manhattan for my time frame. I'm a little disappointed since Manhattan is my first choice location. From the potential rooms I have lined up for Thursday flight only ONE is in Manhattan and I'm praying I can get it.

All of this constant craigslist surfing better pay off by the end of this week! I want keys to a Harlem apartment is all I'm asking Lord!

Note: 23 days until I'm a NYC resident.